Saturday, February 10, 2007

Nice Girls

Do nice girls always finish last? It’s a pretty common female characteristic that we want to be liked, so we’re nice to people that we don’t necessarily really like ourselves. Now, I’m not saying that we are all nice, just that there are those of us who are sometimes too nice.

Considering that I work in the social services field, it’s actually pretty common to come across this type. And to be one. I believe that’s why I will never be a great boss. I think I’m tough, but I’m really not. I do believe I’m a leader, but not necessarily a good manager of others. When it comes down to it, I do want to be liked…and I think that good managers don’t worry about that aspect. Hell! I can’t even train my damn dog! Because he’s so cute, I find it impossible to consistently discipline him. Did I mention how cute he is?

Why do we care? Is it something that is innate? Are we taught to worry about such things? Is it just women or do men worry about being liked as much as we do?

I remember being around 6 years old and the little girl down the street had a birthday party and didn’t invite me. Well…what did I do? I put on a party dress, wrapped up one of my dolls that I thought she’d like and I went to her party anyway! It didn’t matter that we weren’t that good of friends; she was going to like me whether she wanted to or not!

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

abeachgirl said...

I think you can be nice, but still be tough. I used to feel that I had to be nice to everyone in order to get everyone in my life to like me. Now I have found that no matter what you do there will always be people who will not care for you, and it has nothing to do with you! Be yourself and stand up for yourself in work, love and life and you will be a better person for it!