Friday, April 6, 2007

How to Avoid Intimacy

If you really want to avoid getting closer to your partner, here are the top ten ways to accomplish that goal:

Rule #1: Don’t talk!

Rule #2: Never show your feelings!

Rule #3: Always be pleasant!

Rule #4: Always win!

Rule #5: Always keep busy!

Rule #6: Always be right!

Rule #7: Never argue or disagree!

Rule #8: Make your partner guess what you want!

Rule #9: Always look out for number one!

Rule #10: Keep the television on!

Warning: This in not a comprehensive list. You may have other ways that have worked just as well for you in avoiding intimacy. Make sure to add your own methods to this list and then make sure not to share this list with your partner.

Source: Adapted from the FLEducator. (1985, Winter). 4:2

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